March 28, 2012

Holy Week 2012

I've decided.

I have been more or less absent from my blog since the end of November. Since then I have only managed a few sporadic posts. Far less then the once every Monday and Wednesday I had been blogging. I have made no secrete that some things have changed for me lately, and that it has been somewhat difficult sorting through how I feel about them.

I never made a decision to stop blogging so much as I just haven't wanted to blog. However this coming week, Holy Week, has been asking for my attention. I LOVED blogging Holy Week last year. It helped me prepare for Easter better than anything before it.

And I think I may have helped one or two other people prepare as well. So like I said I have decided. I am ready to jump back in and blog Holy Week again!

I hope you will journey with me as we take time each day to reflect on the last Earthly week of Jesus' life. Also if you would like a trip though Holy Week ahead of time, here are last years posts.

Let's Reflect On The World's Most Important Week